Does your institution have a confidential, anonymous and cost efficient whistleblower policy or process?
Campus Conduct Hotline® (CCH) is a confidential, anonymous way to alert administrators of unsafe or unethical behavior BEFORE it spirals out of control. This service offers online administration and easily accessible online reports.
Protect your campus from unsafe or unethical behavior
Efficient Resolution
- Safety and facility risk issues
- Security and Internet policy abuses
- Unethical business practices
- Code of conduct violations
- Sexual harassment, misconduct
- Discrimination, workplace hostility
- Hazing, bullying
For the Institution
- Confidential whistleblower resource
- Ethics reporting resource
- Proactive, risk-reduction safety net
- Streamlined, efficient resolution process
- Satisfies Form 990 and SOX requirements
- Safeguards institution assets
- Improves employee retention
- Sample policies and procedures
For the Campus Community
- Faculty, staff, students, volunteers and campers
- Safe, confidential, anonymous
- Accessible 24/7, toll-free
- Concerns reported without recrimination
- Resolution focused – personal, sensitive, supportive
- Specialists trained in hotline services and case management
- Language translation service available
How to Report an Incident
Campus Conduct Hotline (toll-free) 866.943.5787
This is not a first responder system. Therefore, if this is an emergency, please contact 911.
Using the CCH confidential ethics reporting service is easy. If you have a question or concern about an unethical or illegal situation on your campus, simply dial the Campus Conduct Hotline (CCH) toll-free at 866.943.5787. Translation services are available should you need them.
Please be sure to call back in five business days to check to see if any additional information is needed. Alternatively, if you would like someone to contact you directly, you may leave your name along with a phone number where and when you would prefer to be called.
Remember, at no time are you required to identify yourself. All information provided is completely confidential and anonymous.
Once you have dialed the CCH toll-free number, here is how the reporting and follow-up will work:
- Your call will be greeted promptly and courteously by a person who makes certain you understand the Campus Conduct Hotline® program and how it functions. If you prefer to make your report in a language other than English, just let the person who answers know and they will arrange for a translator to participate in the call.
- At the beginning of the interview, you will be provided with a randomly generated case number that you should use to check back for updates and requests for additional information. Be sure to write this number down and keep it in a secure place.
- You will then be interviewed about the question or concern that is on your mind.
- Your interview will not be recorded. Instead, the interviewer will be typing notes of your conversation. Whether or not you choose to provide your name is completely up to you.
- It is important that you try to be as specific as possible about the information you provide, especially names, dates and places if possible.
- Within one business-day of your call, a summary of the interview will be forwarded to your institution. The goal is to have a basic response back to you in five business days. In some cases the response may be to ask you for additional information.
- To receive your response, you will need to call back and provide the case number that was assigned to you. At that time, you might be asked to call back at a later date. If a status is not immediately available at that time, you are able to call again and continue to check for updates.
More Information
Campus Conduct Hotline®
A standard of excellence
Campus Conduct Hotline® helps eliminate and defend against harmful news stories, lawsuits and misrepresentations resulting from inappropriate behavior. CCH is a confidential, independent risk management service that gives your faculty, staff, and students a simple, anonymous way to alert administrators of unsafe or unethical behavior BEFORE it spirals out of control.
Why Campus Conduct Hotline®
It’s good stewardship and just plain common sense! Your Sarbanes-Oxley Safety Net
Sarbanes-Oxley best practices provides that organizations have a “whistleblower” process and reporting procedure. The IRS Form 990 also asks about your whistleblower policy. Campus Conduct Hotline® protects your institution and satisfies Sarbane-Oxley and Form 990 easily and effectively.
Promote and defend your integrity
With Campus Conduct Hotline® you can demonstrate to your campus community that honesty, integrity and ethical behavior are critical values your institution takes seriously. CCH promotes your institution’s values by providing a campus-wide safety net.
Cost efficient
Campus Conduct Hotline® preserves your most valuable assets for just pennies a day. Email alerts to your administrators integrate with your existing complaint process. Institution specific reporting makes it easy to manage.
Easy to implement
Implementation is fast and easy. Plus, our Campus Conduct Hotline® website has everything you need to get going quickly, including whistleblower policy templates, posters and more. Build awareness and instill pride in your institution’s integrity.
Created by Higher Education for Higher Education
Developed by college administrators and in use by over 100 higher education institutions since 2005, Campus Conduct Hotline® significantly improves your institutions ability to respond to reports of inappropriate activity.
A unique risk management service
Would you like to know more about CCH?
You may also send us an email at: or call 1 (888) 255-4835.