Important International Travel Documents
If you need documents for a trip prior to 8/1/24 please click here
If you need documents for a trip prior to 8/1/24 please click here
The comprehensive EIIA International Travel Program was developed with the assistance of International Travel Directors from Member institutions. The program protects individuals traveling on behalf of the institution, or as a participant in institution sponsored trips, outside of the United States or its Territories and Possessions. See important documents below.
Services and Benefits Outside of the United States
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Emergency medical care for a serious accident or sickness
- Evacuation - Medical, Natural Disaster, and Security (Political Unrest)
- Lost or Stolen Baggage
- Trip Cancellation and Interruption resulting from a serious accident or sickness
- And much more…

Travel Assistance/Claims/Security
- The Travel Assistance Provider has changed from World Travel Protection (WTP) to Healix effective 2/1/2024, their app and website portal will include proprietary information.
- To ensure that only those covered by the EIIA International Program have access to this proprietary information, we are moving information on how to access the Healix app and website to the Member section of the EIIA Website.
- Institution contacts can log into the Member section of the EIIA website through the SIGN IN button located on the top right of this site.
- If you do not have access to the Member section of the website, please contact your Risk Management Director so that we can register you.
- Parents, students and approved participants will need to contact the International Program staff on campus for travel assistance information.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Whom should I call with questions about coverage or travel?
Healix partners with EIIA to provide claims management, travel assistance, and general information for the participants, parents, or others. They can be contacted at 1-833-209-7075 (US or Canada) or +1-312-638-6995 (International) or email them at There is a substantial amount of information and resources through the Healix app and website.
- Will the phone number and email for WTP (previous service provider) work if a current traveler accidently contacts them?
- Yes, WTP will provide a “soft transfer” to Healix.
- Do I have to register on the Healix website to obtain information?
- Registration is required to access the EIIA information on the Healix website.
Healix partners with EIIA to provide claims management, travel assistance, and information to eligible participants.
EIIA Member Institutions can log into the Member section of the website through the SIGN IN button located on the upper right of this site.
The Healix information will be posted on the right hand side under “Quick Links”.
If you do not have access to the Member section of the website, please contact your Risk Management Director so that we can register you.
Parents, students, and approved participants will need to contact the International Program staff on campus for travel assistance information.
- Whom do I contact for Confirmation of Coverage letters?
EIIA Administrative Services ( can provide the required letters for Visa or specific country requirements.
- What medical treatment is covered?
The policy is an Emergency Medical Policy, so any treatment necessary due to a covered accident or emergency sickness will be covered up to $100,000 per person. Pre-existing conditions are covered up to $25,000 per person, but treatment must be on an EMERGENCY basis and not for normal follow ups or prescriptions. The first treatment must occur within 30 days of the covered accident or initial onset of emergency sickness. Preventative, routine, pregnancy, normal dental and elective care visits are not covered. For example, if a covered participant falls and breaks a leg or has an appendicitis attack, it would be covered. Birth of a child or teeth cleaning at a dentist would not be covered.
- Where do I go for emergency medical treatment?
Ideally, when considering the need for medical assistance, you should call Healix at 1-833-209-7075 (US or Canada) or +1-312-638-6995 (International), and they will direct you to the closest medical facility.
A participant can go to any medical facility, however, staying within the Healix Network avoids paying for out-of-pocket expenses at the time of treatment or release and then having to wait for reimbursement.
- Are Evacuation Services covered?
Yes, coverage is in place if medical evacuation is deemed necessary as well as evacuations for security and natural disasters. Each situation is covered up to $100,000 per person ($1M per occurrence) to return to the participant’s home country or nearest place of safety depending on the circumstances. Healix must approve and coordinate all evacuations. Coverage for those in their Home Country is excluded other than for Medical Evacuation.
- Is COVID-19 covered under the EIIA International Program?
Yes, COVID-19 is covered as any other emergency medical illness.